Happieee Girls aRe the pRettieEssstt.....!!!!
Clothes arent going to change the world ..the women who wear them will... so just think about it..
so pretty girls you all are beautiful and admirable..!!
style is a way to say who you are without having to speak so just be yourself bcOz noBody can do it beTter.. !! So in Order to bE irReplacabLE one must always be different..
Fashion is about something that comes from within you ... ALWAYS kEEp yOur eYes oPen.. Bcoz whatEver you See can iNspire you..Its a new Era in fashion tHere are no Rules...
my Idea oF truE love for Money is That.. " I like my Money Where i Can SEE it ' i.e., In my closet
& One thing i always remember whenever i make illustrations or dress up ...
"FaShion is aLwaYs beeN a rEpeTitIOn oF iDeas..bUt wHat maKes it new is The Way you Put tOgeTher.." which wilL knOwn as Your oWn Style... !!!
so just forget all worries & smile bCOz it is something whIch precious & cannot be cOpied by anyOne else