Thursday 18 September 2014

ooHH i nAiled it :)

Last week I hinted at this project inspired by the spike bracelets of Eddie Borgo. However, I was equally inspired by using up the materials I have in my stash. (I feel like I'm saying that a lot lately... but after years of DIY blogging, I've got a lot of supplies that need to do more than just collect dust!) I didn't have enough beads of one color to make a bracelet, but that's okay, because love mixed metals! And, this way it always matches to what I wear.

You can easily customize this to your personal color preference, with cone spike beads available in loads of neons in addition to metals. While I really like these petite spikes, you can go bold with a bigger size spike. Read on for how to make this (ridiculously) easy bracelet in less than 10 minutes! 

Tools and Materials:
Spike beads (I used mini ones, but different sizes are available on Amazon and Etsy)
Small metallic beads (optional)

Cut a piece of stretch beading string about 12 inches long and string on the beads in your choice of pattern. Hint: To keep the beads from sliding off the end, I like to hold the end of the string with a binder clip.

String on all the beads until the beaded portion of the bracelet is about 8 inches long. Tie the ends in a surgeon's knot.

 You're done! Happy making!

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